Sarah Park

Brooklyn is a place of diversity. BRIC is a cultural museum which promotes artists and people around Brooklyn with protest, art, media, performance, and free speech. The museum ignites learning in people of all ages and centralizes diverse voices that take risk and drive culture forward.

The rebranding of BRIC was inspired by the voice of BRIC and how the museum is supportive of changes that revolve around the world. Just like the museum, the new rebranding of the identity is vocal, flexible, and active. The type is flexible to stretch and communicates to the society with a loud attitude.


AURA is an acronym for Abstract Ultrasonic Radio Assembly. AURA is a new future genre of music inspired by deaf hood. Aura focuses on the experience of Music that cannot be heard, but felt through beats, rhythms, andvibrations. Aura supports artists who yearn to experiment with a new approach to music.

The identity of Aura was inspired by the music beatsand vibrations. The font is activated by music and generates many movements within the web, poster, app, and music festival.